Training Manual from Return to Harvest
for combat veterans and others suffering from PTSD
Copy this list of symptoms, put it in your notebook and fill it out.
1. Always 2. Most of the time 3. Half the time 4. Occasionally
5. Never
_____Difficulty falling or staying asleep
_____Outbursts of anger
_____Getting in fist fights
_____Difficulty concentrating
_____Always on lookout for danger
_____Easily startled by loud noise or sudden movements
_____Distressing memories, images, and thoughts
_____Recurrent nightmares
_____Don ‘t want to talk about combat experiences
_____Home is a letdown; feels different
_____Not interested in doing stuff you use to enjoy
_____Hard to get close with family and friends
_____Hopeless about the future
_____Don’t have a purpose
_____Don’t have a direction
_____Angry at just about everything and everyone
_____Drinking/drugs ease the pain
_____Can’t get my mind to stop racing
_____When thinking about combat, I feel guilt
_____When thinking about combat, I feel shame
_____I can’t stop the pain
_____I don’t know what love is anymore
_____Don’t trust people
_____Lost belief in God
_____Angry with God
_____Proud of my country
_____War is insane
_____Life is unfair
_____My self-esteem sucks
_____Trouble finding a job
_____I feel suicidal
_____Avoid crowds
_____People don’t have a clue what war is like
_____Feel alone/isolated
_____Nothing matters anymore
_____Fearful about leaving your house
_____Have panic attacks
_____Heart racing
_____Trembling and shaking
_____Shortness of breath
_____Choking sensation
_____Pain and pressure in chest
_____Feel dizzy or lightheaded
_____Strange feelings; hard to describe
_____Fear of losing control
_____Fear of dying
_____Numbness or tingling sensation
_____Chills or hot flushes
Break down into groups of two and do the following:
1. Each of you has stories about combat or being in a combat zone. Take a few minutes to tell each other some aspect of your story. You may have difficulty getting the words out. Take your time and go slow. If you don’t think you’re ready to do this, talk about what it was like the day your plane took off heading for the war zone.
2. What are you presently doing to cope or to help heal the wounds?
3. Why are you here and what do you hope to accomplish?
4. What are your five most serious symptoms identified in the checklist?
5. Based on the symptoms checklist, what are your personal goals?
Write your answers to questions 3, 4 and 5 in your notebook.
Report back to the group and share answers to those questions. (Group Discussion)