Well, I’ve got some good news. One more benefit of the deep breathing is that it helps us stay present in the moment. Some of you may be thinking the moment is too painful. Others may be wondering if I stay in the moment, what will I do? All of you will have questions about where all this is leading. I’m asking you again to be patient.
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It’s okay to imagine the future if it helps with motivation and determination in the moment. Later, some of the exercises will use that technique. Does everyone see how that is different from anticipating the future or being stressed and worried about the future?”
It’s time for a break. I want you to do this break in silence. Please no talking. Feel free to stay in here or go outside. If you go outside, stay close enough so you can hear this bell ringing which means the break is over. During this period, spend some time focusing on your breathing.
How many of you want to hear another speech from me about the importance of deep breathing?
Why am I not surprised? One more time, remember the kid picking up the books. Same thing. It’s not important that you like to do the deep breathing. What’s important is that you’re determined and committed to doing what it takes to feel better and release or let go of your symptoms. Stay with the training. Does everyone have something to write with? Deep breathing not only helps us with quieting the mind and relaxing the body, but you now know that it also helps us with the important skill of being able to live and focus in the moment. I have a training exercise where I want you to focus on staying in the moment and use your deep breathing to help you with that task. The goal is to focus on the moment by being aware of your senses. Copy this exercise and put it in your notebook. Let’s go over it now.